Rancher 2.5 #
TLDR: New UI, native multi-cluster deployment tooling
- UI revamped to center around a significantly reworked ‘Cluster Explorer’
- Multi-cluster CD functionality via new integration with Rancher’s Fleet
- Rancher’s integrated Istio now bumped to 1.7
- OPA Gatekeeper can be managed via the Rancher UI
GitHub Enterprise 2.22 #
TLDR: many of the headline 2020 features from GitHub cloud now available on-prem
- GitHub Actions (CI)
- GitHub Packages (artifact repo)
- Code scanning functionality
- New, responsive web UI
Consul 1.9 #
TLDR: Intentions, mesh visualization, K8s integrations
- ‘Intentions’ facilitate allowing/denying traffic based on headers and URL paths
- Web UI nwo visualizes service mesh topology, including (typical SLI) metrics
- Consul’s service mesh can now be configured via K8s CRD’s
- Consul’s health checking can now take into account K8’s own pod healthchecks
Terraform 0.14 Beta #
TLDR: masked secrets, better diffs
- Sensitive variables can now be redacted from console output
terraform plan
diffs are now signifigantly more concise- Improved dependency vendoring via provider lockfiles (adds stickiness to existing pinning method)
Grafana 7.2 #
TLDR: not much
- Fields no longer a beta feature, with new labels-to-fields transform option
- New date formats
- Group By transformation
- Explore UI now allows toggling which fields Loki parses during searches
bank-vaults 1.6 #
TLDR: multi-datacenter support
- version bumps: Vault 1.5.4, Kubernetes 1.19
- vault-env now supports AWS authentication
TrueNAS 12 #
TLDR: FreeNAS re-branded, still open core
- ZFS native crypto (per dataset config)
- 2FA for both web UI and SSH
- Fusion Pools (pure flash vdevs for storing meta data and small block IO, while keeping storage blocks on spindles)
- KMIP support (external encryption key storage, eg the cloud KMSes, also in Vault Enterprise)
- Can now act as both an OpenVPN client and/or server
- API 2.0
CoreDNS 1.8 #
TLDR: transfer plugin improvements
GitLab 13.5 #
TLDR: transfer plugin improvements
- Wiki’s can now be scoped to the Group level (previously only per-project)
- ‘Kubernetes Agent’ (for GitOps) introduced in Premium tier
- Releases can now include binaries(!)
- Snippets can now include multiple files
- Feature Flags now also included in Free/Core tiers
- SAST now supports iOS and Android codebases
- SAST (and the related secret detection feature) now support custom rules
- SAST UI improvements
- AutoDevOps now uses Helm 3
- AutoDevOps now supports incremental rollouts
Nomad 1.0 #
TLDR: auto-adjustments to workload resource constraints, OSS namespaces
- Dynamic application sizing (functionally analogous to VPA+Godilocks from K8s world)
- Namespaces are no longer a EE exclusive feature
- Topology view in web UI (similar to Consul 1.9 feature)
- Global event stream
- HCL2 compatibility
- CNI-borne IP’s can now be exposed to Consul
Loki 2.0 #
TLDR: much more powerful query capabilities
- Many new functions to bolster parsing, filtering, formatting and graphing using Loki ingested logs
- Queries can now directly trigger Alertmanager using standard Prometheus syntax
Grafana 7.3 #
TLDR: dynamic dashboard updates, short links
- Theme aware, standardised colour pallettes/gradients
- Short links
- Optional live/dynamic updates to published dashboards
- Built in datasource insights and auditing (EE)
k9s 0.23 #
TLDR: filter negating!
- Describe action now supports dynamic content updates and fullscreen mode
- A new, combined Requests:Limits column for CPU and MEM
- Negating inside filters now possible via !
HAProxy 2.3 #
TLDR: OpenTracing emitter
clause adds load balancing support for both TCP and UDP syslog traffic- OpenTracing API via a ‘stream processing offload engine’ (SPOE), ie HAProxy plugin
restic 0.11 #
TLDR: runtime optimizations for network backups
- much more performant checks for unchanged files when interacting with network targets
- VSS support on Windows
- GCP OAuth
- parent snapshot load failure during a backup now triggers verbose warning
- many bugfixes
Crossplane 0.13/0.14 #
TLDR: 1.0 release looms
(XRDs) enable bespoke service classes for consuming backend public cloud infra viaCompositeResourceClaims
(XRCs)- improved
plugin - package manager v2 (faster, upgrades, rollbacks)
- AWS and Azure providers continue to mature
- Packet provider (targets Equinix metal at first release)
Vault 1.6 #
TLDR: GHA and Azure Key Vault integrations
- Auto-join for nodes in clusters using integrated storage and on cloud infrastructure
- Cloud KMS integration tech preview, first targetting Azure Key Vault
- Snapshots for integrated storage [EE]
- Transform Engine improvements, including a UI [EE]
- Seal mechanism now supports migration between those of the same type (eg between two GCP KMS keys)
- Official integrations for GitHub Actions and AWS Lambda
Powershell 7.1 #
TLDR: predictive IntelliSense
- ships with PSReadLine 2.1.0, wherein IntelliSense now uses your history to predict future commands
- many bugfixes and behavioral inconsistences remedied in standard library of cmdlets
ArgoCD 1.8 #
TLDR: scale, scale-out, sync performance
- Scalability improvements (’thousands of applications, hundreds of clusters’ from a single instance)
- 10x performance improvement when targetting large monorepos
annotation for whitelisting directories to scan (rather than whole repo)- Web UI enhancements (git branch/tag autocomplete, more consistency, better filtering)
- OCI registry support for Helm charts (eg Harbor v2.1)
Gitea 1.13 #
TLDR: Mermaid rendering, repo kanbans
- Improved syntax highlighting
- Kanban boards (bare bones implementation)
- Mermaid JS now renders when browsing markdown in Gitea repos
- ‘Adoption’ of on-disk repositories not yet linked to a Gitea repo
- HIBP password (hash) checking
- Migrations from GH/GL via a new web wizard
Istio 1.8 #
TLDR: Simplified inbound naming schema, Mixer removed
- New inbound cluster name format (breaking change)
- Protocol detection timeout now disabled by default
CR now hasremoteIpBlocks
fields- Mixer (deprecated in 1.6) now completely removed
can no longer be used to install ‘add-ons’ (Prometheus, Jaeger etc), as these should be installed and managed seperately- DNS proxy sidecar (experimental)
Kubernetes 1.20 #
TLDR: 43 ‘house cleaning’ enhancements
- Volume Snapshots, providing a standardized way to snap vols of supported CSI providers
- Dockershim deprecated (CRI compliant runtimes will continue to execute OCI images, so lay impact is negligible)
- Support for mixed protocols in
Services (!) kubectl debug
, CronJob, CRI features graduate to betaGracefulNodeShutdown
[alpha] will attempt graceful termination of pods during worker node shutdown procedure- CSI drivers can request a scoped subset of service account tokens, and re-run the volume mount if necessary
- in-tree log output that could leak credentials now reacts them
Lens 4.0 #
TLDR: extension API
- New API to support extensibility of the IDE
- Ingress view now shows
attributes - Explicit deployment ‘restart’ UI action
- Replaced event polling with watches
- Improved distribution detection
Atlantis 0.16 #
TLDR: ARM binary
for running custom scripts prior to workflow execution--disable-apply
switch- First release with an arm64 binary
Crossplane 1.0 #
TLDR: API and feature stability promises [for the 1.x semantic release]
- Package manager now supports automatic resolution (installation) of dependencies
- Prometheus metrics emitter
GitLab 13.7 #
TLDR: MR reviewers, auto-rollback
- CI can now auto rollback to previous working release (and alert on having done so)
- Merge Requests can now have distinct (seperate to assignee) reviewers
- Issues can now be sorted by count of other issues they’re blocking
- New quick action for cloning issues
Loki 2.1 #
TLDR: Baked-in Fluentbit output plugin
- Fluentbit now ships with a
output plugin by default (previously required an out-of-tree plugin) - Official Helm chart moved to Grafana’s central chart repo
- Config files now support environment variable expansion